We had the chance to do some pre-hunting scouting this past month. Sometimes you learn more about your prey when you take your time and observe. At day break I heard a family group of coyotes from over a mile away. I glassed the area, but they were just out of sight from me.
I decided to start with a lone howl from a Nordik Predator Hand Call. My intentions were to get a territorial response of some kind. Realistically, as predator hunters we don’t know where coyote boundaries are, but you can almost bet they are within their home range if you hear them howl.
Within a few seconds I switched to a couple of 15 second distress sounds from the Nordik Predator Hand Call. A few seconds later, I glassed up the family group cresting the hill toward me. I watched through my 15’s, and filmed with my camera mounted to a Jim White Tripod Adapter.
What I learned from this scenario was…
1. The fence line was probably a boundary for this group. Two of the coyotes posted before crossing, and the fourth coyote held up while watching to the East. Honestly, these coyotes gambled to come to the call.
2. If I was to setup on these coyotes with the intent to kill, I would make sure I was inside of the fence line. Calling coyotes inside their territory will GREATLY increase your odds! I called this group in a few more times inside this boundary. The old white faced coyote was always with one of the younger coyotes, but I did not always call in all four coyotes.
3. More than likely there is another family group of coyotes living to the East of this group. The older coyote that held up at the fence line was intently watching that way. Right as the young coyote reached my feet the older coyote began territorial barking. Looking back, I bet it saw the other group approaching. I should have glassed back that way after I was done filming these coyotes. Coyotes know more about their surroundings and territory than we ever will. I learned a valuable lesson after watching this footage and I hope I don’t make that mistake again.