I had the chance to enter into a “real” predator contest/hunt this weekend, with my partner Mike Collins. My work schedule and family obligations don’t provide me with very many opportunities to lace my boots up and tear up my tires for my own personal calling pleasure, but for this hunt, I have made an exception for the past 3 years.
Mike and I have done pretty well over the past 3 years. We have killed a total of 17 coyotes and called in 33 on this hunt. Honestly, this is because of years of experience, scouting, hardwork and a little bit of luck. This year we only called in 7 coyotes, but considering I had to leave Mike in the field in order to coach my daughter’s youth basketball team Saturday, I felt okay with finishing 3rd out of 92 teams. I am horribly competitive when it comes to predator calling, so please forgive me if I sound arrogant. I try not too, but when you work your tail off you have a sense of pride when you see consistent positive results.
Once again the moral to the story…
Scouting and Hardwork is the ONLY way to increase your odds when predator hunting. Every time I go predator hunting I learn something new & leave with NEW questions to answer.
This contest is a memorial hunt dedicated to one of the best predator hunters I have ever met. I am not going to post his name or the name of the contest because I don’t want some bleeding hearts to destroy this great event.